Gizlilik ve Çerez Politikası


ZNF FOOD INGREDIENTS INC.tic.A.Sh. as a company, we use some technologies such as cookies, pixels, gifs (“cookies”) to improve your experience during your visits to our online media. The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation to which we are subject, especially the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.

The purpose of this Cookie Policy Clarification text is to provide information about the www.znf.com.tr to provide you with information regarding the processing of personal data obtained by the Site visitors (you as the Data Subject) through the use of cookies during the operation of the website. In this text, we would like to explain to you which types of cookies we use on our site for what purposes and how you can control these cookies. ZNF FOOD INGREDIENTS INC.tic.A.Sh. as a company, we may refuse to use the cookies we use on our site, change their types or functions, or add new cookies to our site. Therefore, we reserve the right to change the provisions of this clarification text at any time. Any changes made to the current illumination text will take effect upon publication on the site or in any public medium.

For What Purposes Are Cookies Used?

In general, ZNF NUTRIENTS SAN.tic.A.Sh. as a company, we use cookies on our site for various purposes and process your personal data only for digital purposes through these cookies. These purposes are mainly the following:

We recommend that you read the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy.

To perform the basic functions necessary for the operation of the Site
To analyze the Site and improve the performance of the Site
To increase the functionality of the Site and to provide ease of use
Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data Your personal data is collected based on the legal reason for the legitimate interest of our Company through cookies in electronic environment as part of your visit to our website or because of your use of our application. Your collected personal data is subject to Section 5 of the Law. and 6. within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the articles, this Cookie may also be processed for the purposes specified in the Disclosure Text. Personal text the lighting within the scope of the cookie (that is only detected by the server or stored as digital data on your PC, we are also unfulfilled except for the purpose of digital data to achieve the objectives mentioned above as limited, and competent public institutions and private persons in accordance with the regulations we may share information to our consultants.

In addition, Performance and Analysis Cookies are also used on our site. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information and are deleted after the browser is closed. Performance and Analysis Cookies Thanks to these cookies, we analyze your use of our site and the performance of our site to enable us to improve the services we provide to you.